01732 360 095

Our injection hose systems are used to seal joints in concrete against water ingress. The injection hose is used to transport specialist injection resin materials and then disperse them into the concrete joint via microscopic ports that are equally spaced over the entire circumference and length of the hose.

What Is Injection Hose?

Injection hose is a highly resistant and robust waterbar system that is compatible with both polyurethane and acrylic injection resins. Depending on the choice of resin, it is possible to flush out the hose after the first resin injection, therefore ensuring that the system can be re-injected at any point in the future lifetime of the structure, should the need arise. The result is a Type B waterproofing system that gives total peace of mind, as it seals the whole of the joint and maintains integrity throughout the life of the building.

What Are The Advantages Of An Injection Hose System?

  • Resistant to permanent water pressure of 2 bar
  • Can be used with both polyurethane and acrylic resins
  • No kicker or rebate required, reducing site labour costs
  • Unaffected by weather exposure and site works
  • Quicker to install than conventional waterbars

Injection Resin Applications and Substrates

  • Construction joints in earth-retaining and water-retaining concrete structures
  • Post-construction sealing of construction joints
  • Sealing voids and poorly compacted concrete at construction joints
  • Suitable for reinforced concrete, steel piled walls and brick or concrete block walls

Typical application areas include:

  • Where concrete walls are supported from a raft (with or without a kicker)
  • Within concrete walls, rafts or slabs
  • Between concrete slabs and concrete or steel piled walls
  • Between concrete slabs and brick/block walls

Injection Hose System Products

Newton stocks all of the constituent products required to install a full injection hose system. Click on the links below to view our injection product range, including injection hose, injection packers and resin cleaning products, and both polyurethane and acrylic injection resins.


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